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“Non nobis solum nati sumus” is a latin quote by ancient Roman Politician Marcus Cicero which translate to english as “not for ourselves alone are we born”. This realisation seems to underscore the primary reason for volunteerism.

In Ghana, volunteerism is gradually becoming popular among the youth. It is heart-warming to note that in recent times, a number of students in our tertiary institutions do well to engage in some form of volunteerism especially during the long vacation.

This post is a reflection on four indispensable elements of volunteerism.

SELFLESSNESS…  The first element of volunteerism should be selflessness. The “genesis” of every noble volunteering initiative is a desire to make life better for others, especially those who are underprivileged. Volunteers are those individuals who are commited to solving a problem in society not for any direct economic benefits but with the objective of putting smiles on the face of others. As english novelist George Elliot rightly wrote “what do we live for if not to make life less difficult for others”?
Be encouraged to volunteer for a worthy cause.

SACRIFICE…  Selflessness leads to sacrifice. To sacrifice simply means to give up something valuable in order to attain a desired objective. True volunteerism requires a great deal of sacrifice. A response to the call to volunteerism demands a willingness to sacrifice one’s time, energy, money and other resources as well as stepping outside your comfort zone all in the name of making a difference in the life of others. Sometimes to show love will mean “to give, but give until it hurts”. And that’s what sacrifice is all about.
Be encouraged to volunteer for a worthy cause.

SERVICE…  Another necessary element of volunteerism is service. One question that keeps ringing in the mind of well-meaning volunteers is; what can I do in my own small way to contribute to “healing the world and making it a better place.”? The foundation of volunteerism is LOVE. And love as Mother Teresa once said ” cannot remain by itself — it has no meaning. Love has to be put into action and that action is service.”
Be encouraged to volunteer for a worthy cause.

SUPPORT… Finally, every worthwhile volunteering endeavour needs the unremitting support of individuals, corporate bodies and even the political authourity. Individuals or groups who are volunteering to provide solutions to some identified problems and causing a positive change in society should be acknowledged and encouraged. You should support such ones financially if you have the means. If not, you can equally support with your prayers and that will also count as an invaluable contribution.
Be encouraged to volunteer for a worthy cause.

The dream of a brighter future can only be realised when changemakers, that is
SELFLESS  individuals who are making
SACRIFICES  to  SERVE  in love are

The government alone cannot provide solutions to all the problems that exist in our communities. It is therefore important that once in a while people especially the youth who are exuberant engage in some form of volunteering initiative aimed at providing solutions to some identified problems.

Be encouraged to volunteer for a worthy cause.

By cynthiakaminta November 10, 2024
For the past 11 years, Young at Heart (YAH) Ghana has been on a mission to cultivate a passionate and enthusiastic community of volunteers while equipping them with essential 21st-century skills. As we continue to inspire and empower our members, YAH has launched a masterclass series as part of our 11-year journey. This series will... Read More
By cynthiakaminta November 10, 2024
As part of the National Volunteers Day celebrations and in honour of Young at Heart (YAH) Ghana’s 11th anniversary in September, the YAH Koforidua-based volunteers embarked on a digital literacy outreach program on September 21, 2024, at the Trinity Royal Presby School. The outreach brought together 9 enthusiastic YAH volunteers and 2 dedicated teachers from... Read More
By cynthiakaminta June 28, 2024
In collaboration with the Luddy School of Informatics under Indiana University, the Young at Heart Ghana Team embarked on an exchange fellowship programme, the second since last year. The exchange fellowship took place from May 26 to May 30 this year. It was both an Ed-tech-centred trip and a cultural experience for all fellows. KOVOC... Read More
By cynthiakaminta June 28, 2024
Young at Heart Ghana collaborates with Jacobs Foundation to bring to life one of its impactful and far-reaching projects, Project Ananse. Project Ananse is a research-based project that sought to investigate the efficacy of e-learning resources and curated modules from YAH. The project began after COVID-19 to compensate for learning losses during the pandemic, engaging... Read More
By cynthiakaminta June 28, 2024
Young at Heart Ghana is ten years old!  Our journey is one of impact fueled by a passionate and youth-led team that is challenging the status quo in opportunities for digital education. As part of the growth and channelling a way forward, there was a need to enlighten both old and new volunteers on the... Read More
By cynthiakaminta June 28, 2024
Earlier this year, within the early hours of 3rd January, we lost our brother, friend, boss and Co-Founder, Martin Bruce, to the cruel hands of death, a loss we are still learning to navigate. The loss was a massive blow to the organization, leaving us in shock and trying to figure out how to move... Read More
By cynthiakaminta June 28, 2024
Young at Heart Ghana hosted Orlando Koomen and Jimmy Ketelaar, one of its longest-serving interns in building collaboration and cultural integration. In September 2023, Orlando and Jimmy, third-year social workers from Hogeschool van Amsterdam, commenced their internship. They were in Ghana for a five- and ten-month internship program, which ended in January and June. They... Read More
By Young at Heart GH. December 6, 2023
Young at Heart (YAH) Ghana, since September has engaged two students from Hogeschool van Amsterdam namely Orlando Koomen and Jimmy Ketelaar. Jimmy and Orlando will be in Ghana for 5- and 10-months internship program, respectively. They are third year Social Work students who aim to learn, build experience and impact society. With their background and... Read More
By Young at Heart GH. December 29, 2022
As part of the responsibilities of volunteers to reach out to schools and make an impact, YAH visited Amrahia Community School on 6th August 2022. With a total of 12 volunteers, we reached out to about 80 students. It was educative and fun as we used one of the stories on the Ananse the Teacher... Read More
By Young at Heart GH. December 29, 2022
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