“Everyone has an invisible sign hanging from their neck saying, ‘Make me feel important.’ Never forget this message when working with people.”
-Mary Kay Ash
Who are the most important people in the world? Have you ever wondered who the world’s most important people are? And if you ever had an invitation to have lunch with them, would you honor such an invitation? I bet your answer will most likely be a big yes. Afterall, who wouldn’t want to associate with a person of great worth.
To refer to someone as important is to accept that such a person is a man or woman “of great significance or value.” And that is exactly what every individual is. Every man and woman irrespective of race, creed, political or cultural orientation is important, at least in the eyes of the Creator.
People don’t need to be affluent or be in some positions of authority in order to be considered important. The dignity of the human person does not reside in gold, titles or achievements, it is an inherent quality of every individual.
It is true that there is none who is perfect, we all have our shortcomings and weaknesses, yet everyone of us is valuable. We need to value people for who they really are; human beings created in the image of God. When we accept people as human beings created in the image of God, our love and respect for them will not be limited by what they do or do not do. It will be easier to forgive others when they go wrong.
Imagine how beautiful the world will be if we treat every person with whom we come in contact as if they are the most important people in the world. There will be no grounds for discrimination of any kind.
Permit me then to ask the question again, who are the most important people in the world? They are those who have been created in the image of God. And that includes you and I and every other individual living on the face of this planet we call earth.
In your day to day interactions with others, whenever you’re tempted to discriminate or look down on someone, remind yourself that people are deserving of your love and respect not because of their position or achievements but simply because of their status as persons created in the image of God.